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Comedy Feature, 2020


Director:  Jack Henry Robbins

Cast:  Kerri Kenney, Thomas Lennon, Mark Proksch, Courtney Pauroso, Charlyne Yi, John Gemberling,

           Mason McNulty, Rahm Braslaw, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Raymond Lee

Producer: Delaney Schenker

Writers: Nunzio Randazzo & Jack Henry Robbins

Editor: Avner Shiloah

Cinematography: Nate Gold

Production Design: Tyler Jensen

Production Company: Hot Winter Films

Distributor: Oscilloscope


“Throughout, “VHYes” laces its nostalgia with bitter poison, reminding its audience that even in the carefree couch potato days of 1987, the end-times always loomed. ” – Noel Murray, Los Angeles Times

“We catch on to Avner Shiloah’s brilliant editing, which mimics both the chaos of an overused tape and the attention span of a child with full control of a television remote.” – Hazem Fahmy, Film Inquiry

“VHYes shares some DNA with the type of oddball sketches you’d find on Adult Swim, but Robbins has something to say beneath his chaos, and most importantly, a whole lot of heart.” – Haleigh Foutch, Collider

“…the film is more serious than it initially lets on, and can only benefit from the VHS nostalgia that has, often irrationally, taken root in some quarters.” – John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter

“The best thing the film has going for it is editor Avner Shiloah’s scrambled channel-surfing assembly…” – Dennis Harvey, Variety

“Director Jack Henry Robbins crams an eighties aesthetic into his magnificent feature debut that blasts apart families, nostalgia, capitalism, art, and just about everything else that can be tarnished with the brush of absurd kookiness.” – Andrew F. Peirce, The Curb

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